vjousse/unmerdify: Get the content, only the content: unenshittificator for the web. - Codeberg.orghttps://codeberg.org/vjousse/unmerdify
unmerdify - Get the content, only the content: unenshittificator for the web.
unmerdify - Get the content, only the content: unenshittificator for the web.
Remove bloatware from your TCL Android TV with one command line
Automatically delete your data from tech platforms, except for what you want to keep
Beautiful calculator for Mac, Windows and Linux that blends math with text. Currency, units, time zones, numeral systems, variables, export, notification widget.
Toutes les expositions de Paris et autour ayant lieu en ce moment dans les musées, en cours, bientôt terminées ou à venir, réunies sur une seule page pour préparer vos sorties expos des mois à venir.
"We believe that apps should never crash. They should be free of bugs. They should be fast — they should feel lighter-than-air.
We believe that quality is more important than just piling on features; we believe that quality is the most important feature. And we believe that high quality is transformative — it makes for an app you never hesitate to reach for. You can rely on it, and you do, again and again.
This makes us slow to add features. We are adding features — but never at the expense of how it feels. Never at the expense of reliability and speed."
Such a well-done tutorial by Derek Sivers on becoming tech independent.
Terminal Trove showcases the best of the terminal, Discover a collection of CLI, TUI, and more developer tools at Terminal Trove.
Found via Rolland Tisserand's Shaarli.
For those who use Mastodon or Bluesky and want to see the best links shared by their network.
Open-source alternative to Canva
Do more with text using minimal tools.
An useful tool to update easily my applications, package managers, macOS updates … If you are using various different tools, it will save you time.
NetNewsWire is my RSS reader on my Mac and I recommend it if you need a simple open source RSS reader for your content reading. Easy to use, light, working perfectly! You don't even need an account
This great website privacy inspector is useful to see if a website is tracking you. Test it on my website to see I don't have any tracking
Paste as plain text by default
If you have lots of browser bookmarks, it is a nice way to organize them. Currently using it to clean my bookmarks list