Chester's Garden
Chester has such a cool homepage. I love how all of his interests blend together in one page. That's kind of my goal with my website, blending my different interests into one place.
Henry From Online
The personal site & portfolio of creative web developer Henry (from Online) is full of creative design elements. Definitely wander on his website
Heat Death of the Internet - takahē
Banjo Soundscapes
When code and sounds are used in a good way. The homepage of an award-winning artistic music and sound design studio by Iván Llopis
Test Ad Block - Toolz
Check the efficiency of your ad blocker with Toolz. A simple website to correctly setup your ad blocker.
Pluralistic: You should be using an RSS reader (16 Oct 2024) - Cory Doctorow
Fight enshittification by using RSS to consume online content. I have been doing this for a while and could not recommend it enough!
Chapitre 5 : le plaisir coupable de l’exploration - Ploum
"L’addiction à cette constante nouveauté, couplée avec l’ubiquité d’une connexion mobile permanente, a rapidement fait disparaitre la moindre minute de vide, d’ennui, de rien. Depuis les toilettes à la récupération après un jogging dans le parc ou la file d’attente au supermarché, chaque minute qui était auparavant « intellectuellement gaspillée » peut désormais être remplie d’une quelconque nouveauté aléatoire. Ou, tout au moins, d’une quête de ce genre de nouveautés.
Malheureusement, les idées ne naissent que dans le terreau du rien, du vide, de l’ennui."
Own your scroll - uncountable thoughts
The internet wants to be fragmented - by Noah Smith
Throwing the whole world into a single room together doesn't work.
“Getting screamed at and insulted by people who disagree with you doesn’t take you out of your filter bubble — it makes you retreat back inside your bubble and reject the ideas of whoever is screaming at you.“ Noah Smith